

I dream of the day when OiTr will be the norm.
I'm excited to see the day when OiTr becomes commonplace.

Free pad dispenser OiTrというサービスを始めるにあたって、私たちが、どのような思いでこのサービスを構想し、始めたのか。社会のこと、未来のこと、OiTrのリリースまでとこれから。ぜひ、私たちのことを知っていただきたく、インタビュー形式で、プロジェクトメンバーの声を掲載いたします。

How we conceived and started the Free pad dispenser OiTr service. About society, about the future, about the launch of OiTr and the future. We would like you to know more about us, so we will be posting the voices of two of the OiTr members in the form of an interview.



――How was OiTr born as a service/product?

Iizaki: After retiring from a major company where he had worked for many years, he met Komura, the representative of the company, through his work. Komura had always had a strong desire for work with social significance. I was touched by his passion and thought that I would like to work with him to realize it by making use of my experience in business production at various companies. From this desire, the management philosophy of "what is good for you and good for society" was born, and I started the project with my colleagues.






――So you built your business model based on your philosophy first.

Iizaki: Yes, it is. We believe that it is important for "society" and "business" to point in the same direction, and this vision is the most important guidepost for us as a start-up company to make our business socially valuable. First of all, our mission was to know and learn about current social issues. While coming into contact with various social issues, issues such as the gender gap and economic disparity were something that I could feel close to home. In the process of gathering information, I came across an article titled "Why are toilet paper always available, but sanitary products are not? In the process of gathering information, I came across an article titled "Why is toilet paper always available but sanitary products are not? I never had a period myself, so this was an issue I had never thought of. If you think about it, there are many strange things that have been "normal" up until now. We wanted to update this "strange normal" and establish the updated state as a "good normal". This was the basis of the project.

Murana: I often take on the role of communicating my views as a party to menstruation, which is essential due to the nature of the service. In my previous job as a swimming school instructor, I felt the burden of menstruation as I had to wear a bathing suit in the pool. The same burden was felt not only by the instructors but also by the children. While boys quit after graduating from elementary school or achieving their goals, girls often quit after their first menstruation. I saw many cases of girls who continued to attend even after menstruation, but were unable to participate because their record sessions coincided with their menstrual periods. It is very distressing to see children's potential closed off by menstruation. Although we cannot solve all of these burdens, I felt that solving issues related to menstruation at work, school, and in our daily lives, including my own, would have great social significance.

Iizaki: Through media information and social networking sites, various people, mainly women, have been raising their voices, and I, as a man, have been able to become aware of some of the various hardships that women are facing.

Murana: Iizaki and I decided that we needed to know about various issues first, so we created a LINE group of members and shared our knowledge by creating daily articles on a rotating basis.


Murana: We wanted to solve this social issue as a business. In order to do so, we thought that the basic premise of the project was that it should be established as a sustainable infrastructure system, rather than a transient one.











飯﨑:「日本の商業施設・オフィス・学校・公共施設などの個室トイレに、生理用ナプキンを常備し無料で使用できる社会」を創出することです。OiTrが“あたりまえ”のインフラになるといいなと思います。また、OiTrのサービスを通じて、企業や個人との間にパートナーシップを築き、社会課題を解決していくことを目指しています。我々のプロダクトである「Free pad dispenser OiTr」は、SDGsの「1.貧困を無くそう」「3.すべての人の健康と福祉を」「5.ジェンダー平等を実現しよう」の3つの項目に貢献できると考えています。


Iizaki: In order to create a society where it is "natural" to get sanitary products for free, I thought it would be nice to have an eco-system that can be sustained by sharing the minimum burden with many people. I thought that companies would also be interested in using social good measures as a way to increase their corporate value.

Murana: As a menstruating individual, I was reluctant to receive sanitary products with the feeling of "receiving help" or "receiving charity", so I paid attention to not making such psychological barriers too large when thinking about the structure of the service. Since the trade-off is that users will see OiTr's ads, it is not a one-sided structure where users actually receive charity. So, I think that companies and individuals can have an even relationship. Furthermore, even when you don't need sanitary products yourself, you can become someone else's sanitary product by seeing the advertisement. In other words, all the people who use the restroom are supporting each other.

――What kind of facilities are you thinking of introducing this system?

Iizaki: First of all, we are thinking of commercial facilities that are used by an unspecified number of people. Sanitary products are also essential as relief supplies for people affected by natural disasters, so we would like to install them in public facilities that serve as evacuation centers.

――What kind of companies do you actually want to use as advertising media?

Iizaki: Basically, I think this is an advertisement targeting women, but I believe that we are now entering an era where the commitment of various corporate brands (businesses) to social issues will lead to actual value and profit. That's why I hope that a wide range of companies will support us and make good use of OiTr's signage. However, since the restroom is a sensitive place, we have to be careful not to cause discomfort to the users.

――What difficulties have you encountered so far?

Iizaki: This is the development of a dispenser. It was the first time for all the members to try technical development, so it was a tough job. We had to start from zero technical knowledge, so there were many things we didn't understand, and we had to learn every day. I think Ogura, who was in charge of development, had a particularly hard time.

Murana: Actually, I don't have any "hardships". I came from a completely different industry, so everything was so fresh and new every day, and it all happened so fast (laughs). (laughs) It wasn't a hardship, but I was careful to make sure that my opinions didn't sound like I was representing everyone who had periods. Since menstruation is really different for everyone, I would like to continue to be aware of this so that I can convey my opinions from as objective a perspective as possible.

――Please tell us about your dreams and the future of OiTr.

Iizaki: We hope that OiTr will become a "natural" infrastructure. We also aim to build partnerships with companies and individuals through OiTr's services to solve social issues. We believe that our product, "Free pad dispenser OiTr," can contribute to three of the SDGs: 1) Eliminate poverty, 3) Ensure the health and well-being of all people, and 5) Achieve gender equality.

Murana: I dream that OiTr will become a "natural" part of the world. In November 2020, Scotland became the first country in the world to pass a bill to provide free sanitary products, and in February 2021, New Zealand followed suit. OiTr sincerely hopes to create a society where sanitary products are available to all who need them, both in Japan and abroad.


オイテル株式会社 飯﨑俊彦/小倉むらな

飯﨑俊彦:専務取締役COOとして「Free pad dispenser OiTr」の企画立案や事業戦略等の事業統括を担当。

OiTr, Inc. Toshihiko Iizaki / Murana Ogura

"What's good for you, is good for society."
OiTr believes that it is important for "society" and "companies" to head in the same direction. This vision expresses our thoughts not only to the users of OiTr (customers), but also to the companies involved in OiTr. We hope to create a better society by improving people's QOL through "happiness" based on their experiences, not just subjective "satisfaction.
Toshihiko Iizaki: As Senior Managing Director and COO, Toshihiko Iizaki is in charge of business management, including planning and business strategy for Free pad dispenser OiTr.
Murana Ogura: As manager of the Wellness Division, Murana is in charge of sales and marketing for OiTr.